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Ich freue mich riesig, Euch mitzuteilen, dass ich einen CorporateLiveWire Innovation & Excellence Award gewonnen habe! Anfang des Jahres wurde ich angeschrieben und gefragt, ob ich gerne nominiert werden möchte und ich dachte „ja, warum nicht“?

CorporateLiveWire ist eine Platform in Großbritannien, die aktuelle Nachrichten zu Entwicklungen in den Bereichen Wirtschaft, Recht, Reisen und Lifestyle aus aller Welt bietet. Jedes Jahr organisieren sie die „Innovation & Excellence Awards“ und laden Unternehmen aus der ganzen Welt ein, daran teilzunehmen.

Und stellt Euch vor – ich habe die Auszeichnung „Holistic Lifestyle Coach of the Year“ gewonnen!

Seit der Gründung von Feng Shui Focus (und sogar schon vorher) habe ich von Singapur aus weltweit gearbeitet. Es macht mich sehr glücklich, zu sehen, dass meine Arbeit nun auch außerhalb Singapurs Anerkennung findet. Ist das nicht wunderbar?!

Falls Ihr mehr darüber lesen möchtet, hier ist eine Kopie der offiziellen Pressemitteilung von CorporateLiveWire (leider nur auf Englisch):


United Kingdom – 10 October 2024 – The Corporate Livewire Innovation and Excellence Awards 2024 is now out.

The Corporate LiveWire Innovation & Excellence Awards are the most highly anticipated and celebrated recognition within the global corporate community, highlighting firms and individuals that have introduced new methods and ideas in their industry over the past 12 months.

Over the past year 9,246 nominations were received by the awards team at Corporate LiveWire from 19 countries around the world. Winners were chosen for industry recognition, innovative use of technology in research and development, branding, and most importantly service excellence.

Awards Judge, Andrew White commented: “It was a difficult task to pick the winners with fierce competition in this year’s award. Each winner has made a substantial contribution to their sector with an innovative view to pushing business success and ideas. We are keen to see how they will continue to demonstrate their commitment in the future.”

In addition to the awards, the guide highlights the rapid progress of AI and automation, as well as the impact of technological advancements on small businesses. The Innovation Awards team also speak with network marketing coach, Kevin Stephan on how to not to fail in the world of network marketing and why you’re not supposed to sell to friends.

The full winners guide can be found at:

For more information on the awards or to vote in Corporate LiveWire’s upcoming award programs please click here.


About Corporate LiveWire
Corporate LiveWire is brought to you by Fenice Media Ltd., a publishing house with an international presence. The company offers both printed and digital media offering news and insight to readers from around the world.

Dilan Parbat
Corporate LiveWire
+44 (0) 121 638 0405


1. Oktober 2024

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