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3 Celestials Amulet
Carry this amulet featuring the Three Celestial Guardians to safeguard against financial loss, loss of important relationships, and harm to your reputation brought by the 3 Killings. The 3 Killings affliction can have significant consequences, making it crucial to keep this protective charm close at all times.
Each guardian offers protection and unique blessings: the Pi Yao draws in wealth, the Fu Dog wards off evil spirits, and the Chi Lin boosts intelligence and wisdom.[spacer height="20px"]

Secret Friends Amulet (Rat & Ox)
According to Feng Shui wisdom, each zodiac animal has one secret friend and activating your secret friend will boost friendship, benefactor and networking luck. Something that is very important and useful in so many situations!
Carrying your Secret Friend amulet is the easiest way to activate this type of luck. It will help attract the “right” kind of people into our life, who will help you when needed and lift you up.
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