Lillian Too and her team presented another very informative Feng Shui Extravaganza at the beginning of December. These annual events mean a lot to me – not only from an informational point of view, but also because I love seeing Lillian Too, as it was Lillian who brought Feng Shui back into my life when we moved to Singapore in 2007.
Allow me to introduce the team!
From left to right: Lillian Too, Lillian’s daughter Jennifer Too, Lillian’s brother Phillip Lim, and Lillian’s nephew Han Jin.
Lillian Too “opened” the event by introducing the Year of the Snake as follows: “The coming year will be quite special. The Snake year is a very lovely year where many special things will happen; it will bring love and unexpected surprises – it is something to look forward to!”
I found these words very encouraging and am excited to see what the Year of the Snake 2025 will hold in store for us!
These are the main indications for 2025:
- 2025 is a year with two (!) Lap Chuns, which is excellent news! Two Lap Chuns means that there will be plenty of growth energy. New things that you start next year can grow and become very successful and big.
- There are 3 elements of wood in the chart, another indication of very strong growth energy, but too much wood also suggests underlying worries and anxiety, both at home and at work.
- Overall, the Paht Chee chart is unbalanced (yet again). It has a lot of wood and a lot of water, but no metal element.
- Metal represents resources, support and authority. Without metal element in the chart, it may be difficult to complete projects or tasks. To balance this, it is highly recommended that everyone wears precious metal jewellery and colours associated with the metal element to balance out the chart and harness the full potential of the year.
- There are more Yin than Yang elements in the chart, which means that life will be a bit quieter this year.
- 3 elements of water in the chart indicates a year with strong competition.
- The self-element of the year is weak Yin Water. This is lucky, as it indicates a willingness for compromise. People will help and support each other more and collaborations and new alliances will be fruitful.
- This being a Snake year means the transformative year can turn competitors into collaborators.
- 2025 is a good year to get married because Yin Water supports Yin Wood in the Day pillar, which strengthens romance and marriage luck.
- The Snake, Tiger and Boar feature in the Paht Chee chart this year – only the Monkey is missing to form the powerful 4 Element Cross, which brings superior wealth luck. The Monkey is therefore a very powerful symbol this year, as the Monkey also brings the missing metal element and therefore balance to the chart. Everybody should bring a Monkey into their home!
We have the support of some special stars appearing in this year’s Paht Chee chart:
- The Nobleman Star – brings wealth, improves your status, and brings the support of influential people.
- The Fortune Noble Star – also called the “Nobility Star”, brings honour and principles and therefore influences people to “do the right thing”.
- The Scholastic Brilliance Star – this is helpful for everyone, not just students. It fuels the growth of AI, as it continues to bring new ideas and new technologies. New breakthroughs will bring hope for a bright future.
- The Golden Carriage Star – another indication that it is an excellent year to get married but remember to select an auspicious date!
- The Travelling Horse Star – continues to support the travel industry and drive global trade. It also indicates that people from different cultures will work together. The Travelling Horse Star is generally a good indication but can turn negative when we are under the influence of bad monthly stars. Hence, carrying a protective travel amulet, such as the Four Weapon Protection Amulet, is always a good idea when travelling!
However, there is one star that is going to cause trouble:
The Aggressive Sword Star – which tells us to be more careful of what we say this coming year. Using the wrong tone or saying the wrong thing could easily create enemies, especially when used towards the younger generation.
Snake years are transformative years because the Snake is a creature that can shed its skin.
We are also moving into the second year of Period 9 and the energies of some of the Flying Stars are still in the process of changing their nature, e.g. the No 8 Wealth Star is getting weaker, and the No 2 Star is getting stronger. In fact, the year 2025 is dominated by the No 2 Illness Star, as this flies into the CENTRE of the chart, which is quite a concern and makes health matters very important. If you feel unwell, do go and see a doctor and do not take your good health for granted. The No 2 Star could also indicate new strains of illnesses and new epidemics, as well as a rise in mental health issues. Everybody needs strong cures, especially houses facing NE or SW!
Actually, all earth stars (No 2, 5 and 8) are very strong in 2025, bringing severe danger of illness, misfortune and loss to the CENTRE, NE and SW, while the violent No 7 Burglary Star flies into the NORTH.
Another star to be aware of is the Quarrelsome No 3 Star, as this flies into the NW and affects the patriarchs and all leaders. Hostility and impatience will lead to arguments, fights and misunderstandings, as leaders will be in a very irritable mood. This could potentially have far-reaching consequences. It is best to subdue this troublesome star both at home and at the work place.
Looking at the bright side, the auspicious areas are the SE, SOUTH, SW and WEST, home to the No 1, 6, 8 and 4 stars respectively. The No 1 Victory Star is now also the Star of Future Prosperity, which means that those born in the Years of the Dragon or Snake and people who spend a lot of time in the SE can lay the groundwork for the future and make long-term plans if they activate the No 1 Star accordingly.
The luckiest sector is the SOUTH, thanks to the No 6 Heaven Star and 3 (!) Big Auspicious Stars from the 24 Mountains.
The luckiest star in Period 9 is the No 9 Star, which flies into the EAST this year and brings abundance, success, growth, and wonderful family luck. It brings good fortune to the eldest son, people born in the Year of the Rabbit, and EAST-facing homes, but everyone can of course activate the No 9 Star for fame, new opportunities, power and wealth!
- EAST – 3 Killings
- NE – 5 Yellow/Misfortune Star
- SE3 – Tai Su
Remember to keep these areas quiet and do not carry out any renovations, drilling, knocking or digging here. Even loud music can be a “disturbance” to the energy (and particularly to the Tai Sui), so avoid having parties in these parts of your house.
People born in the Years of the Snake, Monkey, Pig and Tiger are advised to carry a Tai Sui Amulet to appease the Tai Sui, because their location in the circle of zodiac animals is in a clashing position where they easily run the risk of offending the Tai Sui inadvertently.

15 December 2024