3 Powers Wind Horse Amulet


When your personal “Lung Ta” is weak, achieving success can feel like an uphill battle. Strengthening your “Lung Ta” (success luck) is best accomplished by keeping an image of the Wind Horse nearby. This year’s Wind Horse incorporates three powerful amulets: the Victory Amulet, the Wind Horse Amulet, and the Success Amulet, that bring the combined energies of triumph, determination, and accomplishment to help you achieve your goals and aspirations.

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When your personal “Lung Ta” is weak, achieving success can feel like an uphill battle. Strengthening your “Lung Ta” (success luck) is best accomplished by keeping an image of the Wind Horse nearby. This year’s Wind Horse incorporates three powerful amulets: the Victory Amulet, the Wind Horse Amulet, and the Success Amulet, that bring the combined energies of triumph, determination, and accomplishment to help you achieve your goals and aspirations.

Whether you seek career growth, financial prosperity, personal milestones, or overall life satisfaction, having the 3 Powers Wind Horse close at hand can help realign your mindset, fortify your inner strength, and guide you toward success in any path you pursue.

The 3 Powers Wind Horse Amulet is THE amulet to activate the No 1 Victory Star and boost your success luck!

In 2025 particularly recommended for the following:

  • Those born in the Years of the Dragon or Snake, as they benefit from the annual No 1 Star.
  • Animal signs with weak “Lung Ta”/success luck:
    • Rabbit, Sheep and Boar have very bad success luck and need to boost this.
    • Tiger, Horse and Dog have neutral success luck – boosting it would help their overall success this year.
  • People seeking to climb the career ladder.
  • Anyone really who is determined to achieve their goals!

Measurements:    approx. H 6cm x W 5cm without chain.