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Christmas is coming and many of us will be travelling to spend the most wonderful time of the year with our loved ones or have family coming to visit us. Or maybe you are planning a skying holiday instead or a sunny beach break?

In any case, here is a quick recap of the Feng Shui reminders for safe travelling:


I would always recommend that you check the almanac for auspicious travel dates if possible. This will allow positive energies to set the right tone for your trip.

For this Year’s Christmas and New Year period, the BEST and WORST Travel Dates are as follows:

December 2024 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 23, 24, 26, 27 and 28.   5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Friday 13th (!), 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 30 and 31.
January 2025 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 29, 30 and 31. 1, 2, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 24, 25, 26 and 27.

All in all, there are plenty of safe options for travelling and reaching your destination in time for the Christmas festivities. All dates not listed are neutral with regard to travelling and can serve as back-up options.

This is of course the “ideal world” scenario. But often you cannot avoid travelling on an inauspicious day. What do you do then? Please read on.


If you are just not able to select an auspicious date for your travel (or you cannot get a seat on the plane or train on the lucky day you want) you can use the following travel cures. They are all pretty easy!

These travel rituals are based on Chinese and Tibetan Feng Shui and use the element of the directions. For example, if you are travelling from Singapore to Europe, you are heading towards NW, so NW is your travel direction. Simply use the destructive element of the direction’s intrinsic (own) element to destroy the bad luck for the day coming from that direction.

Direction of Travel
Intrinsic Element
Destructive Element
Healing Ritual
North Water Earth Throw 1 or 3 mounds of earth/soil towards North.
South Fire Water Drink a glass of water before leaving or throw a glass of water towards South before leaving your house.
East, SE Wood Metal Take a curved knife and swipe it in the air towards East or SE three times.

You can also hang a metal windchime in the East or SE while you are away – but remove it upon your return.

West, NW Metal Fire Burn some incense sticks towards West or NW or burn a red candle and point it towards the West or NW before you leave.
SW, NE Earth Wood Swipe the air three times with a bamboo stick tied with red thread towards the SW or NE. The bamboo represents wood energy and is a very powerful protective symbol against misfortune from injuries.

These easy actions are also highly recommended if you feel you have received warning signs that you should not travel.


It is always a good idea to carry a protective amulet (for example a Peacock Feather Amulet) on all your journeys or wear a protective scarf. It is worth it, for your own peace of mind, especially if you have to travel on “bad” days. On such bad days there is an increased risk of injuries, accidents, or other problems such as losing luggage.

In December 2024, those of you who are born in the Years of the Rabbit, Tiger, Ox, Dog or Boar need to be particularly careful, as you are afflicted by dangerous monthly stars, putting you at greater risk. The same applies for all patriarchs (i.e. the fathers of the family) and people in leading positions. So, business leaders, if you are travelling for work this December, then this applies to you too.

Peacock Feather Amulet | Learn more
Peacock Feather Amulet | Learn more


You don’t want to worry about your home while you are away so here are a few more ordinary and traditional suggestions:

  • Place symbols of protection inside your home, facing your main entrance door and any other door to protect your home from break-ins. Such symbols of protection can be images of your own faith, eg Kuan Kung, Kuan Yin, Ganesha, miscellaneous warrior gods, Buddha, or Virgin Mary.
  • Hang a protective door plaque above both your main door and back door or create your own plaque with a protective mantra or proverb.
  • Keep yang energy alive in your home during your absence by installing timers on radios and light switches. Having a lamp with a light sensor so it automatically switches on as it gets dark is also very useful!
  • Arrange for a neighbour or friend to collect your mail and newspapers or have them re-directed to avoid an overflowing mailbox – an obvious sign that nobody is there to receive it

I hope you will find these tips and reminders useful and wish you happy holidays and safe travels!

Airplane Wing w Pink Clouds & Blue Sky

5 December 2024

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