How to Make Your Home a Sanctuary

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Tips from a Feng Shui Expert and a Professional Organiser I first met Nathalie Ricaud, a Professional Organiser and founder of Get Organised & Beyond, at a business seminar a few years ago. Since then, we have been following each … Continued

Island Traveler Summer 2017

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Feng Shui and Fitness It may be a surprising connection to make: Fitness and Feng Shui – but a harmonious Feng Shui lifestyle includes some fitness too! Feng Shui is about energy (Chi): auspicious energy flow in your home thanks … Continued

Who is YOUR Secret Friend?

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I don’t “have a thing” for chickens (unlike some people I know) and I do not find a Rooster particularly attractive. But, when I saw this beautiful Rooster print by Fiona Hollis Carney at FairPrice Antique last week when I … Continued

Food and Feng Shui

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I must admit: I don’t cook (much). My mother tried to teach me how to cook when I was a teenager but cooking was something that never really interested me. I breastfed my three boys as long as they wanted … Continued

Expat Living May 2017

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WE EXPLORE ANOTHER STUNNING BLACK-AND-WHITE Moving to Singapore or already living here and always dreamt of living in a black-and-white house? Amy Brook-Partridge visits one of her friends who owns one of those lovely colonial homes in the Wessex Estate. I’m at an advantage when … Continued

Impulse March 2017

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(German only) Feng Shui: Umgebaute Türen und verschobene Möbel: In China ist Feng-Shui schon seit mehr als 3.500 Jahren Teil der Kultur und wird im gesamten asiatischen Raum praktiziert. Der Westen zieht nur langsam nach und meist wird die chinesische Harmonielehre mit der Einrichtung … Continued

Making the Most of 2017

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Expat Living’s First Coffee Morning of the Year @ Ni-Night/Tomato Photography, 24 January 2017 I was really excited to again be the guest speaker at Expat Living’s first coffee morning of the year. The talk was fully booked within a … Continued